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Hidden in Plain sight, the light within

Hidden in Plain sight, the light within, Painting from a MUSEA Class
Hidden in Plain sight, the light within

Painting from a MUSEA Class   

What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Wood
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
In the beginning the Beings seemed separate, referred to as; Good Bad, Light Dark or Hidden and Revealed. They answered to their names accordingly and never questioned it, until one day they noticed eyes peeking out from behind the keyholes. These eyes caught the Beings curiosity and they began to explore their origin. The story had be told of a Great all powerful Being from which they both emerged from, who watched over them. They pondered if the eyes were of the Great Being, and wondered if so, why were they hiding in plain sight.
They pondered the thoughts as they moved about their time. Noticing another much larger eye coming into form between them. This evoked stirs of wonder, to where and who these eyes belonged. They had heard of a Third eye, which was said to downloaded info from the Cosmos. Could this be the Third Eye, and what was it doing here?
They both began to drew their conclusions while holding these inquiries. That brought in more symbols and a presence came into form as a traveller carrying a small, yet bright lantern. This lantern began to shine and sparkle light its light onto the places and symbols that were in the background previously out of sight. From this light the eyes beyond the keyholes boomed into a glowing Wise Woman, and the Sky Eye began to shimmer and twinkle. All sharing their pieces of wisdom to the Beings and within the wisdom it was understood that they were all connected as one. The parts that seemed separate in the beginning were actually different pieces of the same puzzle, that together made up all that was within, hidden in plain sight.