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The World Bridger

The World Bridger, Painting from a MUSEA Class
The World Bridger

Painting from a MUSEA Class   

What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
What triggers. creativity? Creativity starts in the realm of spirit, and human energy blends a beautiful broth for the soul.The balance and release that follows, fuels self-love and self-discovery. The journey of self acceptance has just begun. Like Helen Keller before me I had to be determined to thrive, shadowy beings tormented me and demons deceived me. Trapped in the body, in the world I did not understand, I felt misunderstood and gave mistrust as a payback. Like Helen Keller, I found beautiful souls willing to extend love to me, and offer bridges across the chasm between of neuro-diversity and the neuro- typical world. Anne Sullivan opened a portal for Helen Keller, and my soul has been the genius behind my own guidance tool, that has arisen from within myself. I recognised that I can say I speak the language of selective mute, the anxious child, and that of the advocate and guide. I am fluid in both languages. Sue Bayley. The Autistic Whisperer of Tangledtreetribe. Plato said “know thyself”, it is a tough choice to turn 180° from relying on others, to navigating your own way, and making your own choices. As a child of the divine it is imperative, that you drill down into the natural genius within, and destroy the tongues of conditioning. However you can be in the world, but not of the world, and you can press reset, with a fresh choice to move towards the life you want. Intentional creativity and this particular 13 moon image, entitled: “The World bridger” feels different to the ones in other years. In that there is no division between the values and ethics of my day-to-day life, and what shows up from the pen or the brush. My inner transformation came from finding ways to be expressive. This decision has opened gateways, so that my highly sensitive child and my adult within, can walk between the worlds and gift others, permission to pioneer their own path, and ease the concerns of others who worry about them.