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In the Zone

In the Zone, Painting from a Musea Training
In the Zone

Painting from a Musea Training   

What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Wood
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
In the Zone: When the black fire of the divine feminine - the great mother - is burning in her house, when Logos and Eros communicate in love and deep respect she enters "the Zone" - a place where she is just present. Eyes on, heart open. She feels connected to herself and the universe. Feels life flowing through her body her whole being. And she realizes: in the end all is simply LOVE.
There is tenderness in her face, the tenderness of the feminine. This softness is a power - still suppressed in so many women - ready to wake up.
Her eyes like diamonds - see the essence in everything and everybody. The signs of a new narrativ. She speaks a new language, a language from the heart. It's a different frequency. Completely different from what we have known for ages. The ancient mothers still know.... She remembers a sentence her teacher told her some years ago: "You don't know any language spoken on earth, you know only the language of the divine mother...".
She keeps reading, reading, reading. Reading the new signs.... She is breathing all in - the suffering, the streets of tears, the bliss, the beauty... She feels the fear and the hope, anger and compassion, sadness and resilience, frustration and possibility. No better place, no better time for a new beginning - out of a black background.
Something greater is rising. Something new is wanting to emerge.
Sometimes we have to be a little mad to bring new colors into our painting.
She started with 3 red threads of hope from her heart - threads of prayer........
May the language of the divine Mother penetrate our ordinary language, so that we together can open a new space - a space free of guilt and shame, fear and anger... A space full of compassion and love and Freudefreude... A place where we all can grow, awaken to the truth of who we are. Amen