Red Mountain: To Find the Fire of Life
Painting from a MUSEA Class
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 300 words.
Red Mountain: To Find the Fire of Life
Where did this journey start? she asked.
When the brush tip touched the canvas and colors spilled out, my mind began unravelling in the stream of my heart.
In the currents, “Beings” surfaced. Salamander, WaterSerpents, Eel, Squid, SophiaBird, Feminine Essence, Red Mountain, and you Fluid Being! My dearest loving friends.
And then?
The SophiaBird Sang: Cues, queries, opening doors along the way.
I entered the canvas, upper octaves, reserved. And then she appeared — my wild twin — cast out, so I could, I thought, survive. She rose under the tail and tutelage of Salamander.
And now?
We are One.
Feel into all those beings: Feel. Breathe. See.
They have been with me since time out of mind. Here, they are guiding me through the world of color and paint.
And what, please, were their messages?
Salamander: Your journey will be a doing and an undoing.
WaterSerpents: To receive, Ask your questions freely.
Eel: You’ll find the Light in the densest darkness.
Squid: Kindness is your way in. It melts your edges and opens space for fire essence and laughter.
Ceremony of Perspectives: The matrix surrounding each viewpoint holds all you have become. Rest here confidently.
Fluid Being: Fluidity is the ultimate backbone.
Feminine Essence: For me to live, protect your passion — it is umbilical!
Red Mountain: A visible flame is Father Fire. The Fire of Life is filled with Light and Space. It houses the colors and passion. Imbibe this “Mother Light.”
You birthed those beings, now they will birth you!
As I turned in that dense darkness my body filled with unbridled energy. My belly swelled: earth, sky, mountains, water — the Mother Light already nests here.
My loving companions and ancestors exhaled in relief.
And what did you do?
I danced!